Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Upside of Winter in the North Country!

well, there's yet another snow storm coming tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night, etc. SIGH.

last week i did play hooky and go snowshoeing with my girlfriends. we went in the backwoods of Indian Lake, NY and we did a lovely 6 mile roundtrip trek to a frozen pond, John's Pond.

it was absolutely gorgeous in the woods... peaceful, pretty, lots of snow, and no sounds except the birds and a bunch of giggling.

i love snow and even i'm getting tired of it... come spring, i will be wishing i was right back on my shoes in the middle of the woods.................................

and then there's Buster who seems to be saying, what's wrong with this weather? IT'S DIVINE!!!!!!! i guess he likes the cold. :)